viernes, 6 de enero de 2012

Lessons From The Year

2010 was a very interesting year, mainly because it brought the evidence that the economical world crisis is due to the poor distribution of the benefits of the humankind's production.

We are living in a full globalized world, so what happens in one place is happening all around the globe.

In Canada, the 100 top-paid made 189 times more money than the average Canadian in 2010.  189 times!!!

The top one made 3,122.10 times the minimum wages.  

The top 100 Canadian CEOs had an average increase of 27 per cent more than the previous year.  This shows that they are taking advantage of OUR crisis.

In comparison, the average Canadian had an increase of 1.1 per cent.  That means, Canadians are actually getting less than the previous year because the official inflation till November 2010 was 2.9 percent.  In fact, to make matters worse, the actual inflation rate is estimated to be greater than the 2.9 percent. In fact, to make matter worse, the actual inflation rate is estimated to be greater than the official one.

Rich people are getting richer and the poor have to pay for that.  Why? You tell me.
In the same year, in Canada, the party who is working hard and successfully enlarging the gap between the rich and poor, got the support of the population in the polls.  Now,  they have majority.

Does it make sense?  It does.

The year 2010 brought more evidence to the social discussion.  Besides the proof that the crisis is a "distributive" crisis, the year showed us that the "Weapons of Mass Instruction" has accomplished its main target.  A lot of Canadians, as much of the rest of the world population, have lost the ability of introspective analysis,  imagination and free thought.  Canadians as a whole, are supporting the imposed system and its holders.  We are behaving like puppets and they got us right where they want us.

The good point is that 2010 also showed us that we are awakening.  Every day more people are looking inside each other to find the light that for years, those in power, have tried to cut off from our brains.

The solution to our crisis is at hand and begins with the awareness of our reality.  We should look inside of ourselves and stand for what we really see and believe.